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Our Articles and blog:

Phone Number Change

The sim cards for the store’s phones were stolen and used. We give up on the old numbers. If you need to contact us, please use the following information until we can get a new phone number for the store. Call us at ‪(347) 746-1037‬or Email: info@otakucomputerguy.org We change the signage on the store building…

Apple AirTag Stalking

By Charles O. Lucas If you use Apple Air Tags like I do, I have everything I forgot where they are in the home, too, and I have them on my cats. I didn’t know this happened until I found some articles in one news feed. I hope this helps some of you out. Below…

Build Debian Unifi Controller Server

By Charles O. Lucas Here are my notes on my completed project. At my current job, I want to monitor the network devices, bandwidth, etc. For the client’s budget, I am supplying them with Ubiquiti manage switches and APs. Ubiquiti supplies a free software management controller with no additional license fees. I am currently switching…


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